Stay Focused Part 1 "F it"
John 15:5
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
Stay Focused!
The only thing that can stop my destiny is loosing focus. Most of us are Tripolar! We are trying to satisfy me, myself, and I. In order to stay focused you have got to F_it. I know you all are looking at me saying Pastor Mike done lost his mind, he want us to curse. No, that is not what I mean. Back in the day my F_it meant something totally different than what I am talking about today. When your road is dark and you can see the light, you have to FAITH IT!! When the bills are do and you have no money in sight FAITH IT!! In order to get to the next level, you have to Faith it into existence. From now on you have to walk by Faith and not by what you see. The reason I don’t panic is because if He made a way last month, it is no thing for Him to do it this month. People will sometimes get envious when they see you walking in Faith. Faith makes a struggle look good. Faith will cause you to shout over your future blessing even in the midst of your present hell.
There are 3 F’s we need to stay Focused.
(1) Fellowship- Spend time in God’s Word. John 15:5 says I am the vine= the Source, the coiling together. When I get connected to God and coiled up in his vine, you can’t tell where God ends and I begin. When I show up, he shows up! As Mary Mary said it, Its the God in Me!!!!! When you be good to God, he will be good to you. in 2010 I am doing everything for God because he is the only one who never left me. He that abides in Me and I in him. We are the Branches on God’s vine. And when a branch disconnects from the source, over time it withers and dies. So you have to say that no matter what the Devil throws at you, you can’t risk being disconnected from God. When you stay connected to God you gain power. The problem is that sometimes we connect ourselves to people who pull us to them and away from God. But I am saying that this year, I will stay coiled in the vine despite what people do or say because without God I can do nothing.
(2) Faith-
Psalms 55:22, 22 Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
I may not be there yet, but I am going to throw my burdens to Jesus from where I am. God is faithful. You can come to him with your problems and secrets and keep you when you are not strong enough to keep yourself. Our problem is we throw our burdens to people who turn around and throw they to other people in the form of gossip. You don’t have to worry about your secrets getting out when you give it to God. And when you give it to God, you have to let it go in order for him to work. God has the power to make your enemies your footstools. He will use them to Bless you even when they don’t want to.
(3) Future- Prepare for the Future. If we are honest with ourselves, we would admit that we are failing in a lot of areas in our lives because of poor on no preparation. We must plan and prepare in order to achieve success. Once we do these things, it puts us in position to be Blessed.
Words brought to you by Pastor Michael McClure Jr. and The Rock Church. For more information please do not hesitate to give us a call at 205.798.7621, CIO, Marcus McCord.
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