Do It With No Hands
Do you constantly find yourself having to be so many things to so many people? Well, you are not alone! Many of us have to wear different hats to help different people in our lives. Isn’t it interesting that when we have our hands in all this stuff that we seem to neglect ourselves? Well, breathe! What if God wants you to take your hands off situations and stress so that he can transform your test into a testimony?
Today, we should all make it a habit of “Doing It With No Hands” and allowing God’s mighty hands to fix things in their proper order. The statement “Doing It With No Hands” means that you turn it over to God. I know that many of us are frustrated about someone or something creating a headache in this current season, but you have the victory! You must realize that God grants us all power through Him and that we will always win, and without him we lose. Just think of it like this, how can you catch your blessings, when your hands are full of mess? When you let go of the mess, this allows God to work. Let go and Let God!
Do it with No Hands…By Faith!! ..And Watch God work!
I know it’s a rough time for many of us. What happens when the helper needs help? We are so strong for other people and are crying for help ourselves. Our hands our nothing! The Potter (God) is able to construct miracles and shift our situation at anytime. So today, take your hands off the issue, headache, or concern that keeps your heart heavy. Do it (Have Faith in Him) with no hands!
God, we come to you in the name of Jesus, thanking you for all that you do and all that you are about to do. We release our problems, frustration, issues, and situations right now. We claim that better days are ahead and sleepless nights full of tears will be a thing of the past. God, we come with authority claiming that this is our season and that we trust you to move according to your will. We touch and agree that healing, prosperity, and peace of mind will come to everyone in need. God, allow your goodness and unconditional love to overflow into someone’s life today. In Jesus Name, Amen.
2 Corinthians 3:5 – It is not that we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success come from God.
This message is brought to you by Pastor Michael D. McClure, Jr. and the Rock Church. For more information, call (205) 798-7621 or
Marcus M. McCord, CIO