Shh…isn’t Tiffany a _____? What about Mike, I heard he wanted to be in ______? My professor’s a ________, he/she crossed in the 90′s.
It may be your pastor, your co-worker, your parents or even yourself, but nine times out of ten you have been influence/affected by a member of a Greek-letter organization. Stomp The Yard I & II, GΓΣΣΚ, Drumline, and the infamous Spike Lee film, School Daze are all films and TV shows that have placed Greek life directly in our living rooms. Although the step shows, prestige, and mind games emphasized in the movies are all a part of being Greek; Greek-letter organizations are also provide a service to the community. With the majority of their intake processes shrouded in secrecy, what’s not a secret is that most Greeks like to give back to their surrounding communities. Every Greek-letter organization emphasizes some form of philanthropy that must be shown by its active members and often require a certain amount of community service hours from potential members. Philanthropy can range from something as simple as a national fund raising effort to a local volunteering activity. Regardless of how the service is performed, members of these organizations must have some sort of direct involvement in the community.
It’s that direct community involvement that B.Positive wants to highlight. We want to know which local Greek organizations are the best at providing for our community. If you or someone you know is an active member of a Greek-letter organization we want to acknowledge you and your organization! As the community editor of B.Positive, I want to know what positive things Greeks are doing in our community and I want to highlight those positive things! E-mail me at and let me know what your organization is doing to improve our community. E-mail me by Friday, November 12, I will pick four outstanding organizations, two fraternities and two sororities, to feature on I want your pictures, videos, and a small description of why your organization is better than the rest when it comes to serving the community. Let’s get involved people!!! Put a positive shine on your organization and e-mail me today!!!