Stop Having All Those Babies-Duggars 20th Pregnancy
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have once again surfaced on the media pool with the announcement of baby number 20. Forty-Five years of age, Michelle Duggar says she’s not too worried about her 20th pregnancy. The mom to be is very confident verbalizing, “I’m really in better shape than I’ve been in 20 years.”
The news of the couple’s 20th pregnancy came as a shock to fans. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar made the obvious “big” announcement on Tuesday in a segment highlighting their family’s TLC series on the Today Show. Jim Bob jokingly says “I don’t know how it happened. We didn’t want to stop at an odd number.” Almost flabbergasted, news journalist Ann Curry asked the couple was this pregnancy planned, and was it a goal for the couple to have twenty kids.
To be honest, the news of the 20th pregnancy did not come as a shock to me, I would have been more surprised had the couple decided to have a vasectomy or tubes tied. Ann Curry asked the question I’m sure many of you are thinking, “Why is 19 kids not enough?” Michelle Duggar simply responded, “We have the motto in our house, there’s always room for one more.”
While I feel on the fence about Michelle Duggar’s 20th pregnancy, many have argued that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar should have called it quits after such a tumultuous pregnancy and birth of 19th child Josie Duggar. The Duggars however, assertively believe in the biblical principle of procreation. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have each stated they view each of their children as a blessing from God.
On a blog site where the news of Michelle Duggar’s pregnancy was shared there was an outrage of hurtful and very opinionated comments. One reads:
She barely survives the last pregnancy… yet here they are again. Sorry, but, if something tragic happens this time around, I won’t feel the least bit sorry for the Duggar. It comes a time when you just have to stop having kid, whether or not the Bible tells you to – which it really doesn’t… 19′s is quite enough. –Anonymous
A huge part of me wants to follow the crowd and scrutinize Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar for wanting to have 20 children, although for different reasons from most (that’s another blog post). However, a bigger voice inside me says, “Who cares, it’s their business.” I’ll be the first to list my top 5 reason the Duggars can continue to have as many children as they like. Why is everyone so judgmental of their child-bearing, after all they are not committing a crime.
Top Reasons Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Can Continue to Have Children
The Duggars are in a committed marriage
They are financially secure and can support the child without governmental assistance
They are practicing within their beliefs
The Duggars are not violating any laws
It’s their humanly freedom/right to have as many children as they would like without anyone’s approval but their own.
Call it the rebellion in me but the more I think about the facts the more I become #teamduggar. While this is considerably my top 5 reasons why the Duggars are not at fault for having 20 kids, I would love to hear your opposing arguments.
My question to you all, Do you arguably agree their should be a limit on how many kids one should be allowed have, and is the Duggar clan singlehandedly responsible for “overpopulation”? Or are you on the opposing side (#teamduggar) and feel the Duggars are operating within their rights and abiding by God’s law. I would love to hear your thoughts, leave a comment below and remember to rate this post.
To view the segment on the “Today Show” with the announcement from the Duggars click here.
I feel like this, yes they have a lot of children and 20 children in one household is a lot to handle. However nobody has the right to tell these people when and how man children they can have. At least the children they do have are very well taken care of and the Duggars are not mooching off of tax dollars. If her body can bare a 20th child then it was the Lord’s will if God don’t won’t them to have any more children then trust and believe she won’t have any. God takes care of his children and that’s all I have to say….
I don’t think they solely are responsible for overpopulation, but I believe it’s people with this mentality. I am Catholic and I can say religious people scare me. This thinking that God is telling you to have more and more kids is ridiculous. He can’t force you do to anything. It baffles me I don’t even have words. I am so angry at this announcement I could punch a wall. Juxtaposed with the recent 7 billion count this just shows how selfish humans are. Spreading their seed is all that matters to them apparently. Who cares if they can financially support another child. I’m sure any of their children can say that their parents were rarely involved with their activities and accomplishments because they were too busy caring for the other siblings. It angers me that people can’t control themselves when birth control is absolutely available to anyone. A simple condom would do. If you enjoy sex so much, then protect yourself. How can protection be against someone’s religion!? It’s when people start twisting the “holy words” of the Bible to justify their actions. Makes me sick. Hope these kids don’t follow their parents’ footsteps or we’re going to end up with genetically mutated populations.