Tax Free Weekend in Alabama
It’s that time of year again, you know the one where we grab the local school supply list and shop until we drop for all the cheapest back to school supplies. Back to school shopping to me has to be the most exciting, bargain hunting experiences – next to Christmas of course. Although the bargains are cheap, I understand the prices start to add up however, if you live in the state of Alabama I have great news for you so continue reading on!
How would you like it if you found out that in addition to already marked down school supplies, you can also get a break from paying taxes on them to. Sounds to good to be true right – well in actually it’s not. This weekend starting on Friday, August 5, 2011 at approximately 12:01am Jefferson county and other surrounding areas will participate in what is known as Tax Free Weekend. The Tax Free holiday will last from Friday, August 5, until Sunday, August 7, 2011.
Tax Free Weekend is a holiday where no state sales or use tax is due on covered items defined in the Act and in the Sales Tax Holiday Rule 810-6-3-.65. Its important to know while no state tax will be collected depending on the county you are shopping in you may still be held responsible to pay local tax.
For more information about tax free weekend please visit