The Cut Off

Who likes to save money? (raise hand) I do! As a stylist I am always looking for ways to save money when shopping. Recently, I decided to do some spring cleaning to see what is it that was needed to add to my wardrobe. While cleaning I came across some old denim. Instantly, my creative juices begun to overflow. I came up with terrific idea to make my old denim stylish cut off shorts. Amazingly, my idea is a very fashionable trend right now. Days before, I was doing some internet and magazine browsing, and became inspired by the  many designers and celebrities who are wearing the “cut off” trend. Thankfully, after my shorts were completed, I was ecstatic that I didn’t have to go out and buy any. As a stylist, I want to spread the word and let you all know before you think about going out to buy new clothes, think of ways you can re-invent your old ones.

Stylishly yours,

Nia Elizabeth

Image courtesy of mediatakeout.com

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